Wednesday, 6 January 2021


Naga Dhosam


The placement of Rahu and ketu in the horoscope will decide whether the chart is having naga Dhosam or not. There is another dosha called Kalaserpa Dosha which I am not going to discuss here. The dosha will affect the married life and it is important while fixing the marriage. A horoscope said to have Naga dosha if the Rahu or Ketu is at the Lagna, 2nd , 5th , 7th , 8th and 12th .



Ill Effect of Naga Dhosam


1st & 2nd House.

Rahu and Ketu at the Lagna or 2nd house it means either Rahu or Ketu will also be at the 7th house.

This placement will cause problem in the married life particularly at Rahu or Ketu dahsa or Bukti. There will be misunderstanding or fights with couple. There will not be good compatibility in love relationship. There are chances of separation but the separation may be good if aspected by Jupiter and it will be bad one and lead to divorce otherwise.  If the 7th lord or lagna lord is strong, the impact will be less. If Rahu or ketu is at the 8th house then there will be from Health related problems or Bites from Poisonous creatures.


Placement of Rahu or Ketu at the 4th house. The native cannot live in his native and have to move out in connection with employment. There will be health issues , property dispute and problem in married life.



Placement of Rahu or Ketu at the 5th house.

This can lead to Abortion and affect the prospects of getting Children. But if the 5th house Owner (Adhipathi) is in association with a friendly planet, this bad effect will  be reduced.


Placement of Rahu or Ketu at the 12th house will create infighting in the family, wasteful Expenditure, sufferings from ill health and ailments. It will also affect the love life.



Naga Dhosam & Marriage Compatibility

·         Naga Dosham is NOT present in both Girl and Boy horoscopes. Marriage will be recommended.

·         Naga Dosham is present for Boy and Girl. Marriage can be Recommended.

·         Naga Dosham is seen in Boy’s Horoscope and not in Girl horoscope. Marriage cannot be Recommended

·         In a Boy’s horoscope Rahu or Kethu is in 2-4-7-8-0r 12th place, but it is being looked at by a Sacred planet.

·         For this Girl’s horoscope with or without Naga Dosham can be matched and marriage Recommended but this will be Madhyamam. Good and Bad will be mixed in the married life of this couple.




Persons with Naga Dosham in their horoscope should go to the Temple in Kalahasthi, Thirunallar, or Thirunageswaram and do special Pooja / prayer to get rid of the ill effects of Naga Dosham.