Sunday, 14 June 2020

Surya Grahan and its impact on 12 rasi on 21.06.2020

Surya Grahan and its impact on 12 rasi
Solar Eclipse or Surya Grahan happens on 21st June 2020.  This eclipse takes place in a dual nature air Sign Gemini.  During the eclipse retrograde Mercury transits in air sign Gemini.

Aries -- you need to refrain from taking any risk to push ahead your prospects. You need to keep communication alive with influential persons who matter for you.

Taurus  -- you remain concern about finance. Family related expenses are to increase. You need to keep effective check on unwarranted expenses. You need to take due care about your eyes.

Gemini --Some major health issue can trouble you. Take advice of your physician promptly. Your lungs can get affected. Take due care in this regard as advised by your physician. On financial front also things are not to work well.

Cancer--Sudden major expense, not getting recognition for your efforts. Do not take undue risk to push ahead your prospects on financial front. You could suffer loss of money. You need to remain careful about health. Do not neglect even minor issue

Leo -- Viewing this you get good opportunity to benefit monetarily. Gain here adds more strength to your position on financial front. Your long held wish gets fulfilled in due course of time. You are to develop more friendly relationship as an after effect.

Virgo --Business person needs to exert more to run the show satisfactorily. Take due caution while lending credit to new customer. Check credential of the customer properly. Career oriented remains under stress

Libra --things are to move well to push ahead your prospects in general. However, refrain from taking undue risk to push ahead your prospect. No major health issue concerns in due course of time. Issue related to respiratory system needs to be attended promptly.

Scorpio --You need to handle matter related to finance and family much tactfully and with due delicacy. Refrain from making fresh investment to earn handsome returns. Take due care about respiratory system.

Sagittarius-- Constraints you experienced earlier are not to concern you now. On work front your efforts are to receive due appreciation. You may be entrusted with some new responsibility to work on.

Capricorn ---Things move favourably for you in due course of time. However, you need to keep your cool and have patience on your side. You need to look at ground reality and make move accordingly.

Aquarius --You need to handle this much tactfully and with due delicacy and aim at preserving harmony in love relationship. No major financial gain for you is envisaged. However, you will be able to meet routine and incidental expenses comfortably.

Pisces--You can remain in uncomfortable position on work front. You need to exert more to remain in secure position on work front. No major financial gain for you is envisaged. Some major health issue can concern you as an after effect of solar eclipse

To come out of ill effect.
1. Read Aditya Hiruthayam daily for 10 days before and 10 days after and on Sundays throughout the year
2. Donate 2 kgs of Wheat to poor.
3. Chant Mantra  Om Hram Hreem Hroma Saha Suraya Namah 10008 times